Get Ready For Summer!
Introducing the Ladimax Lifestyle
14-Day Fat Burner! 

(New clients only) 

Oh hey look! Summer is here. Yep. Already. And here you thought you had more time. 

You don’t. It’s time to break out the sleeveless shirts and shorts but you’re still rocking your winter body!

Well, not to worry; we have just the thing for you!

In just two weeks you could be looking AND feeling better if you follow the Ladimax Lifestyle 14-day Fat Burner. 

We don’t believe in drinking shakes, drastically reducing calories or popping pills. It was food that got you to where you are. Why not use it to make you healthier?

There are no gimmicks. No special foods. No fast, fad tricks. If you are looking to lose fat in a healthy way, end a life of yo-yo dieting and create a lifestyle that will make it possible for you to NEVER  look back, then give this plan a try!

Now, this is a two-week plan but Ladimax Lifestyle client Renee started with the 14-day Fat Burner. Here are her results after a month on the plan,


For just $40 dollars you will get an online fitness consult, a 14-day meal plan and a tailored exercise regimen, a plan that won’t bust your budget!

P.S. HOW YOU DOOIN’? We see you all streaming over from the Wendy Show website! Thanks for checking us out.. Give the 14-day Fat Burner a try! It’s a small investment for a BIG jumpstart to your summer!

So.. you ready to kick it into gear?

Click the button to pay and let’s get started! 

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